Hotline +252 611 000434
Arche noVa

Arche noVa

Arche noVa

Arche noVa


About Us

arche noVa – Initiative for People in Need founded in Dresden, Germany, in 1992, is an independent non-profit organization, currently working in 14 countries worldwide: Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq); Africa (Mali, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan); Asia (Nepal, Philippine, Myanmar) and Europe.

Our primary expertise is in the WASH sector (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene promotion) with a wide range of interventions to support local communities and civil society organizations.

arche noVa follows a multi-sectoral approach and most projects include other components such as livelihood, food security, health promotion, education, and disaster preparedness.

Contact Us

Bakaaro Market
Howl-Wadaag District,
Mogadishu, Somalia